Saturday, December 20, 2014

Time Well Spent

Wow!!!! I can't believe I am completing my FINAL BLOG ASSIGNMENT for my ECE program. Sitting here writing gives me flashbacks of when I first started out creating these blog post. I had no idea what I was doing but I was determined to make it work. This ECE program has taught me many things that I have processed, shared, and learned from. In this course I learned how step outside of the box. Each blog assignment showed me that there are so many resources and organizations that are helping to make a difference in the lives of children. I learned that there are so many ways in which early childhood professionals can contribute to the early childhood field. Reading everyone capstone challenge really was an eye opener that there are many things that still need to be done and addressed. Lastly, I learned how to be persistent and fight for achieving greatness. When I first began this ECE program I was determined to graduate with a 4.0. Many of these courses were challenging but this capstone class made me sweat, cry, scream, throw in the towel, and get angry. These last eight weeks taught me how to manage my time, spend more time than required on assignments, and reach for greatness. First couple of assignments papers I was devastated. However, after pinpointing the errors I gradually starting to improve. This lesson taught me that even when things happen in the early childhood field never give up.... Any goals worth setting is worth fighting for!!!

My Long Goal is to develop an early learning center that teaches high-quality education. I want a 4 Star Accredited program that requires staff to have certain credentials, training, and field experience. Now-a-days anyone with enough money can open up a child care facility. What will set my center a part from centers who are just trying to make a quick dollar is my center will always have passion, creativity, and mutual respect for parents, children, and each other. I'm looking forward to writing my business plan, creating my brand, and selecting a name for my center. 

To all my colleagues thank you so much for your inspiration, feedback, criticism, genuineness, and your outlook on early childhood field that we are embracing. ShaRina, Tiffany, Chawanda, and Selena I have truly enjoyed you all this semester. Reading your post week after week was awesome and I hope that the communication does not stop here. I will leave my information below so that we can stay connected through email, organizations, and blogs. Much success in the future and never stop learning. Professor Dartt oh I know I was a tough cookie to handle but I sincerely thank you for not getting frustrated with me. Every email I sent you provided great feedback and ways in which I could better and I truly appreciate that. My desire is that I hope you continue to build great educators.

Lynette Brown

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

The Division for Early Childhood (DEC) promotes policies and advances evidence-based practices that support families and enhance the optimal development of young children (0-8) who are at risk for developmental delays and disabilities. DEC started in 1973 by a group of volunteers who cared deeply about the development of young children with special needs. DEC holds professional development international conferences, they have e-newsletter, and they have subdivisions across states. This organization help build early childhood professionals. It drew my interest because they focus on children who have disabilities. So often there are not a lot of services available for children with disabilities. There are no jobs available. However, this organization has a career center where Early Childhood educator seeking for employment can post their resume for employers. They have job postings from the U.S across to Japan. 

Education International is the voice of teachers and other education employees across the globe. Education International is an organization that promotes quality education, equity in society, and the interest of teachers and other education employees. This organization is the world's largest federation of unions, which represents thirty million employees in 170 countries across the globe. This organization has many sectors. They have an Early Childhood sector which advocates for children rights globally. They created a task force that researches early childhood issues and they join forces with other international organizations to create a change in the policies. This organization created links on their site that appeals many countries. The newsletters, blog sites, and individual sectors are not just in one language but in the language of that particular country. Currently, I didn't see any job postings. However, there are many ways to stay connected with issues regarding children such as: quality teaching, migrant rights, professional ethics, early stage teachers, education for all, early childhood education, and health and safety in schools.

International Association for Steiner/Waldorf Early Childhood Education is an organization that works to train early childhood teachers in areas of educating, nurturing, and creativity for children. They collaborate with parents, educators, and wider society members to focus on the essential needs of children. They foster training, development opportunities for caregivers,  kindergarten teachers, and educators, and resources for enhancing child development. Through conferences, seminars, and courses this organization provides support for any early childhood education program. Centers just have to apply for support and request which method best suits their employees. In order to actually become one of Steiner/Waldorf educators you must undergo an intense training and education that they set up themselves. The training program is available in 37 countries including the United States. It requires 400-500 training hours which includes mentoring teaching practice, internship, and practicum. 

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: National/Federal Level


ZERO TO THREE is a national nonprofit organization that provides parents, professionals, and policy makers the knowledge and know-how to nurture early development. Their mission is to ensure all babies and toddlers have a strong start in life (Zero to Three, 2014). This organization has been known for many years of supporting military families projects, providing staff training to early childhood coordinators, and hosting professional development conferences. ZERO TO THREE became appealing and of interest due to the nature that they are passionate about children cognitive, emotional, social, language and physical development. They don't just uplift professionals but they uplift families. Currently, a Community Coordinator, Safe Babies Court Teams Project position is available. This position consist of collaborating and coordinating with stakeholders of New Haven and Milford Teams to put together safe practices for infants and toddlers in foster care. Requirements to fulfill this position are: knowledge of issues related to child abuse and neglect, knowledge of infant/toddler social-emotional development Master's Degree in Early Childhood Education, and related experience in social work. 

Association for Early Learning Leaders is nonprofit organization committed to excellence by promoting leadership development and enhancing program quality through the National Accreditation Commission's standards. There purpose and goal is to strengthen the knowledge, skills and abilities of early care directors , owners, emerging leaders and other early learning professionals to ensure quality child care programs for young children (Early Learning Leaders, 2014). This organization provides training, resources, and networking opportunities for early childhood centers to become accredited. This organization is appealing because it helps early childhood centers, parents, and children. It allows center the opportunities to grow and have high-quality education for all children. Currently, Early Care and Education Coordinator position is available. This position is to provide safe residential housing for women and children who are awaiting their due process before immigration courts. The role of the coordinator is maintain safety in residents, provide healthy meals for mothers and children, assist with recreational activities for children and to provide care for children. Requirements are High School Diploma, commitment of  pre-service training, one year experience working with children, flexibility, and driver's license. 

T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood National Center is a center that develops, implements, and sustains programs and strategies that result in a well educated, fairly compensated and stable early childhood workforce to ensure the long term success of our nation's children in school and in life. This center operates projects in 23 states in which they help states avoid costly mistakes, help identify and advocate for new funding opportunities, and keep states informed about training and compensation innovations and changes in other T.E.A.C.H. projects around the country (T.E.A.C.H., 2014). This center is appealing because it helps early childhood center manage and budget finances so that their center won't fail. It prepares center for financial situations that may occur without notice. Currently, there are no positions available. However, their are many ways to volunteer and get early learning centers involved. 

Listed below are the links to the organizations if you choose to do more reading.....

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Exploring Role in the ECE Community: Local and State Levels (Week 2)

Community of practice are groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly (Wenger-Trayner, 2006). This blog entry will discuss three local or state organizations that are of interest, job opportunities (current or not available) that are of interest, and skills and experiences need to fulfill each of the roles. 

Teach for America is an organization that not only service Pennsylvania but also many other states in the east, west, and Midwest area. Teach for America is an organization who mission is to continue growing leaders who will work to ensure that kids growing up in poverty get an excellent education. I like this organization because they want to change the statistic that just 8% of kids growing up in low-income communities graduate from college by the age 24. This organization create change in all the communities that they teach in. This organization was of interest to me because I want to create change in the low-income community that i reside in. I want children here to be well educated and be prepared for college. There are several teaching positions that are available but all of them are outside of Pennsylvania. Many of the western stats have a greater need for teachers. In order to become a teacher for this organization you must hold a Bachelor degree, high school diploma, GPA of 2.5 or higher, and US Citizenship or National/ Permanent Resident Status.

PA Keys is a organization that manages state wide professional development programs. PA Keys works with Office of Child Development and Early Learning to provide statewide leadership in the development of an integrated and coordinated system of program quality improvements and professional development supports for early childhood education. This organization was of interest to me because it hold early childhood centers accountable to certain standards and early learning practices. This organization helps and promotes high-quality education through early learning standards in the curriculum that is taught to the students. Currently, a PreK Counts Director position is available. The requirements for this position is a Bachelor Degree in Early Childhood Education or related field allowed by the organizations guidelines. Masters Degree in Education is preferred.

United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey is an organization whose mission is to harness, leverage strategically invest the collective power donors, advocates, and volunteers, to drive measurable results that improve the lives of people in our region. This organization believes that education is the community responsibility which includes parents, teachers, and caring adults. United Way provide funds that help early learning children age 0-5, early grade literacy, middle grade success, graduation for all, and post secondary success programs. This organization was of interest to me because its a organization that gives back to the community. Education programs need funds to survive and government assistance is not enough. This organization does not currently have any job openings available. However they do have volunteer opportunities available. 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Special Note of Thanks

I feel like this course was just beginning and I was introducing myself to everyone. It amazing how time fly and I feel that I have learned so much from each individual including the professor. This class has taught me that you can learn a lot from people thru COMMUNICATION. In eight weeks I have learned just from my colleagues (who communicate online) that its a proper way to say things to people, you need mutual trust and understanding, and when dealing with parents you need a great deal of patience. The "Platinum Rule" will be one discussion that I will forget and I enjoyed reading everyone responses. I truly believe that "Team Work makes the Dream Work"! All of my colleagues have pushed me one step closer to finishing my degree. I believe that in eight weeks my way of communicating have changed and its from the course material, professor feedback, and all of you. Thank you for your inspiration, motivation, and many stories that has helped me understand that I'm not alone. I hope that from my responses and blog entries that you as well learned from me. I try my best to speak from personal experiences in hope that people will wont follow in my foot steps or can prevent my mistakes or encounters. 

As this semester come to a close I hope that many if not all of you will keep in touch. From across the states I believe that many doors will continue to open for each us through our communication. Here is my info.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Adjourn (Week 6)

As I think about adjourning I couldn't help but remember my dance ministry group. I became apart of this group in 2005 at my former church Unity Temple Worship Center. In 2011, is when this group parted it ways. The church was closing and every member had to find another place to worship. This was very difficult time in my life because I'm not good at people leaving out of my life. This group wasn't just members of the dance ministry but we were sisters. I enjoyed dancing with them and we learned a lot from one another. I knew that by the church closing it was going to difficult to see these ladies as much as I would like and dancing without them would be hard.

Upon the church closing there was a celebration. We had a bowling party which allowed every member to bring family and friends. It was a great time to get in our last goodbyes and just fellowship with one another. We took so many pictures as we wanted to always have remembrance of our times together. Just sitting now and reflecting on the good times brings tears to my eyes.

Recently, I had to switch my program within Early Childhood Education Program which has caused the colleagues I started out with to change. Last semester I said my goodbyes and hope that they would keep my blog information so they can still communicate. Although the communication has been through discussion questions and blog entries I feel such a great connection with my colleagues. I have learned so much and their advice has helped in my career. I would only wish that at graduation I will be able to meet them in person.

As I reflect on my dance ministry and even my colleagues I have realized that adjourning is necessary because it helps you grow and meet new people. I didn't want to dance with no one else but my dance ministry but I have come to realize that all the many gifts each member possess couldn't just stay within the group. We had to eventually depart so that we could help others and build stronger dance ministries. I didn't want to lose any colleagues but I have gain some great ones. These last 6 weeks I had the ability to find people that understand more things about myself that I thought I was experiencing by myself. SO thank you to everyone for helping on this journey to success

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Conflict and Communication (Week 5)

Every Friday at my job it is important that all teachers and personal make sure that all classrooms are sanitized before leaving. Cleaning the different centers in a classroom is not an easy job. I cleaned my kitchen center on Thursday. My co-worker decides on Friday to let the children play in that center. Instead of approaching the situation with a positive attitude, I went straight to my co-worker with a hostile voice. Now I know better than to argue with my co-worker on the floor with the children so I waited until she went to the bathroom. My tone and body language was off. This conversation caused me to get in trouble with my supervisor and conflict with my co-worker. It was so bad that we wouldn't say good morning or good afternoon to one another. 

After the conversation I think if i would have approached my coworker differently things would not have been bad.  After sitting down listening to her reasoning for opening the center I felt bad for being hostile. Lack of communication from my supervisor was the reason she opened the center. I did apologize and I placed myself in her shoes. I think what made the conflict resolve was allowing each person to speak without the other person interrupting. I was able to get a clear understanding of how she felt and it really was helpful to understand her thoughts on the situation. Furthermore, I showed respect and that was very beneficial as well. My co-worker and I are good and I'm happy that we were able to resolve our conflict. The 3R's would have helped in this conflict as well as the platinum rule.