Saturday, September 7, 2013

Getting Ready-Establishing Professional Contacts and Expanding Resources

Searching for two Early Childhood Professionals outside of the U.S. made me nervous and excited. The nervous portion of my emotions comes from the thought of not being successful in making a connection. As I begin sending out emails I found that many of the email addresses that I choose were coming back failed delivery. It took me moment to see why they were coming back that way. My understanding of the failed delivery is that the email addresses were not from the U.S. For example on email address I choose was Canadian Child Care Foundation Any email that didn't end with org, net, or com came back failed delivery. 

The other emotion being excited comes from looking forward to communicating with other professionals across the world in my field. Im really hoping I can make this connection so I sent an email out four places..Kosovo Education Center, El Salvador, Step by Step Program/ Tipa Tipa, and Honduras. In the email I explained that I am a graduate student at Walden University working on my M.S in ECE. The purpose of the email is to find other professionals in my field and create a communication line of each other dreams, inspirations, issues, and activities in regards to children.

Outside of the resources that was provided to help make this connection I also used my facebook and instagram page to ask for help. I made a post to my family and friends asking them if they know any one how could possibly help with this assignment. In addition, I spoke with a head start coordinator at my local church who has a group that focus on helping to stop trafficking of children. I asked her if she could look to see if she has anyone in her organization who might be able to help. As the search continue I hope that the connect will be made. I haven't received back any responses but I'm keeping "HOPE" alive!!! 
Save the Children - Official Site
The Early Childhood Organization I choose to research is Save the Children. My ultimate goal is to create change in my community in the lives of all children. Currently, Philadelphia is ranked one of the highest cities for child trafficking. While this is sad I just became aware of this information recently. If I didn't know about this I'm sure there are others who don't as well. Save the Children Organization offers services in child protection, child survival, education, health and nutrition, hunger, and emergency response. This organization partners with governments and internationals agencies to promote awareness on issues relating to children and how to keep them safe. I have signed up for there newsletter and I'm excited to read ways in which I can help children.


  1. Hi Lynette,
    I had the same type of problems trying to email contacts. I was thinking that the problem was my aol security settings.
    I am looking forward to what you discover on the Save the Children Site! Sounds like a really motivated organization.

  2. Hi Lynette,

    It seems that you are working very hard to find contacts out of the country! I had a similar problem with the emails being sent back as failed deliveries. Just keep swimming! On the other hand, I also have similar feelings of nervousness and excitement. It is a little nerve-wracking to be communicating with people of different cultures, and even possibly different languages, but overall it is an exciting experience.


  3. Hi Lynette,

    Good observation when it comes to the email "saga." I know I found it so discouraging when I kept getting undeliverable mail replies. I'm excited about the project itself. I can't wait to hear what guidelines teachers in other countries abide by.


  4. I think it is going to be tough to get the emails going with EC professionals outside the USA, but how exciting when we start to learn from each other! The child trafficking issue is so very frightening! I know your hope and passion will create change.

  5. Lynette-
    I love the new look on the blog! I too changed mine up over the break. Anyway, just wanted to say- Looking Good!

    I am impressed by the wide variety of places you contacted. I hope you get some good information to share! And of course, Save the Children, what a great organization. I am so happy to be able to count on you this class to share great info, and educate me (and the rest of the class) on all you learn.

