Saturday, September 14, 2013

Sharing Web Resources

Save the Children is a leading organization whose automate goal is to change lives of children across the nation. This organization work with other organizations, governments, non-profits and local partners to create a lasting change in the lives of children. Save the children helps families who have experienced disasters, poverty, hunger, illiteracy, and diseases. This is an organization that welcomes all people who have a desire to help children and their families. You can become an advocate, donate funds, sign-up for their monthly newsletter, spread the word thru social sites, send ecards, become a volunteer and sponsor a child. I encourage everyone who has a passion for change to visit this website and see in what ways you can help. Here is the link Save The Children.

·         Each month the organization releases a publication in reference to an area that is harming children. In September, Save the Children release an publication called "Beyond School Walls- A Boost for Readers. This publication discussed how children are failing to read and learn globally. This really stuck out to me because there are so many children who don't know to read and this shouldn't be. This publication showed that 250 million primary school age children cannot read or write and this whether they attend school or not, 20% of children that live in poverty are 4 times more likely to be out of school than children living in wealthy populations and 60% of children in the U.S who come from low-income families have no reading books at home. Save the Children created a program called Literacy Boost which is currently helping 24 countries around the world. Some of the countries are Haiti, Afghanistan, Yemen, Ethiopia, and Indonesia. This program is designed to help children read and learn in as well as out of the classroom. Literacy Boost is also helping children living in extreme poverty and girls have the highest rate of being illiterate. Currently, more than 30 million girls are out of school every day. I really feel that this website addresses lot needs of children and more educational professionals should get involved. Children not reading, living in poverty, dealing with hunger, and not having medical supplies is not just a U.S issue it a GLOBAL ISSUE!!!
·         Read more of this article: Beyond School Walls

1 comment:

  1. Lynette,
    I am looking forward to exploring this site and its impact globally! This would be a great site to share with children and have school projects making connections with children around the world through Save the Children. Have you shared this site with children in your classroom?
    Maria Broome-LeVinus
