Sunday, April 13, 2014

Adjourn (Week 6)

As I think about adjourning I couldn't help but remember my dance ministry group. I became apart of this group in 2005 at my former church Unity Temple Worship Center. In 2011, is when this group parted it ways. The church was closing and every member had to find another place to worship. This was very difficult time in my life because I'm not good at people leaving out of my life. This group wasn't just members of the dance ministry but we were sisters. I enjoyed dancing with them and we learned a lot from one another. I knew that by the church closing it was going to difficult to see these ladies as much as I would like and dancing without them would be hard.

Upon the church closing there was a celebration. We had a bowling party which allowed every member to bring family and friends. It was a great time to get in our last goodbyes and just fellowship with one another. We took so many pictures as we wanted to always have remembrance of our times together. Just sitting now and reflecting on the good times brings tears to my eyes.

Recently, I had to switch my program within Early Childhood Education Program which has caused the colleagues I started out with to change. Last semester I said my goodbyes and hope that they would keep my blog information so they can still communicate. Although the communication has been through discussion questions and blog entries I feel such a great connection with my colleagues. I have learned so much and their advice has helped in my career. I would only wish that at graduation I will be able to meet them in person.

As I reflect on my dance ministry and even my colleagues I have realized that adjourning is necessary because it helps you grow and meet new people. I didn't want to dance with no one else but my dance ministry but I have come to realize that all the many gifts each member possess couldn't just stay within the group. We had to eventually depart so that we could help others and build stronger dance ministries. I didn't want to lose any colleagues but I have gain some great ones. These last 6 weeks I had the ability to find people that understand more things about myself that I thought I was experiencing by myself. SO thank you to everyone for helping on this journey to success


  1. Lynette,
    Although we do leave and you left the dance ministry, do you have a any communication with any of these people today. I couldn't understand something about myself; however, things are coming to me clear. When I leave s group or situation, very seldom do I return. Our experiences allow us to be prepared for the next journey in our lives. Hopefully each of these situations can provide strength to us in order to grow. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Brenda,
    I do have communication with some of the members from my former dance ministry. Many of us went to different churches. Only 4 of us actually go to the same church. We tried to form a community dance ministry so that we could dance together but due to time conflict with each member church it is hard to have engagements where all of us can dance together.
