Sunday, December 7, 2014

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

The Division for Early Childhood (DEC) promotes policies and advances evidence-based practices that support families and enhance the optimal development of young children (0-8) who are at risk for developmental delays and disabilities. DEC started in 1973 by a group of volunteers who cared deeply about the development of young children with special needs. DEC holds professional development international conferences, they have e-newsletter, and they have subdivisions across states. This organization help build early childhood professionals. It drew my interest because they focus on children who have disabilities. So often there are not a lot of services available for children with disabilities. There are no jobs available. However, this organization has a career center where Early Childhood educator seeking for employment can post their resume for employers. They have job postings from the U.S across to Japan. 

Education International is the voice of teachers and other education employees across the globe. Education International is an organization that promotes quality education, equity in society, and the interest of teachers and other education employees. This organization is the world's largest federation of unions, which represents thirty million employees in 170 countries across the globe. This organization has many sectors. They have an Early Childhood sector which advocates for children rights globally. They created a task force that researches early childhood issues and they join forces with other international organizations to create a change in the policies. This organization created links on their site that appeals many countries. The newsletters, blog sites, and individual sectors are not just in one language but in the language of that particular country. Currently, I didn't see any job postings. However, there are many ways to stay connected with issues regarding children such as: quality teaching, migrant rights, professional ethics, early stage teachers, education for all, early childhood education, and health and safety in schools.

International Association for Steiner/Waldorf Early Childhood Education is an organization that works to train early childhood teachers in areas of educating, nurturing, and creativity for children. They collaborate with parents, educators, and wider society members to focus on the essential needs of children. They foster training, development opportunities for caregivers,  kindergarten teachers, and educators, and resources for enhancing child development. Through conferences, seminars, and courses this organization provides support for any early childhood education program. Centers just have to apply for support and request which method best suits their employees. In order to actually become one of Steiner/Waldorf educators you must undergo an intense training and education that they set up themselves. The training program is available in 37 countries including the United States. It requires 400-500 training hours which includes mentoring teaching practice, internship, and practicum. 


  1. Lynette,
    I found Education International very itriguing. I had never heard of it before and was excited to see all the different resources they had available. There was one or two jobs I found but they were technical computer software jobs. To become a member is costly but I can see great benefits behind this membership!

    1. We chose some of the same sites. I like how Waldorf requires nothing, but the best educationally equipped teachers to be associated with them. I looked at how they have to focus on the child's every move and know how to interpret that movement. Children are a special responsibility that should be handled with care. I would happily send my child to a school like this. A lot of wonderful information on this site.

  2. Lynette,
    It seems like that both of these organization are global and they are very interesting. I did not anything about these organization until you did the post. This is a good post and a learning experience. I am going to check them out and a good post. Thanks again.

  3. The Waldorf training in the United States is in just outside of Austin Texas. When I was in high school I babysit for a family that had cousins that lived by Austin. Their children attended the Waldorf School. As part of the perk of babysitting, I got to observe at the school a bit. I fell in love with many of their methods. If it is not a way that would be a good teaching style for someone, it is still good to observe there as there may be some ideas that will be find to help improve their own style.
