Saturday, March 16, 2013

Lion King (I totally Love this book)

This is indeed my favorite children's book. I watch the movie all the time and I even still cry when Mufasa die. I love this book because of the colorful graphics, story line, and the characters. Whenever I read this story it always remind of why it is important to be obedient to parents, never forget who are, and being responsible. Although this a children book I believe it is important for them to always know that you have to listen to your parents even when you don't feel like it. To this day I listen to my parents and there are times when I don't listen. Parents always have a reason why they give out instructions and there will be times when children won't understand the instructions. I love the fact that although Mufasa dies he leaves behind family and friends who helps Simba remember who he is. Friendship in this story was amazing to me because Simba wasn't just friends with his own kind. I love learning about different people and this book did a great job of showing how you can adapt to different things outside your norm. I recommend this book to anyone!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love the Lion King story. What I like the most is it is a story about a boy growing in a man and the challenges he faces and the lessons he learns along the way.
