Thursday, March 14, 2013

Inspiring Quote!

"A child educated only at school is an uneducated child" - George Santayana

 When I read this quote it really gave me clarity on why I push so hard to make sure that children are educated. I live in an era where some parents don't take time to read to there children, parents are not involved in the child learning development, and parents leave all the learning up to school officials. Working at a summer program in my local community really opened my eyes to how children are not getting the best education they deserve. I worked with 2nd and 3rd graders and I sat many days looking at how angry, aggravated, and sad some children were. There emotions came from not knowing how to read and write. One student stated that there parents worked two jobs and does there homework for them.

I believe education starts at home. It is in the beginning years that children learn there ABC's, 123's and colors. It is sad that some children don't know the basics until they get to kindergarten. This is why reading the above quote touched me because children should be able to learn every where. At home, school, and in there local communities. It shouldn't be just up to children care providers and school systems to make sure that children are educated. My mother use to always say it takes a village to raise a family. I say it takes a village to educate a child! If everyone does there part the next generation should be twice as smart as the previous generation.

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