Friday, August 9, 2013

My Supports

There many things and people who support me on daily basis. As I think of my day to day routine I can see little things that may not matter to others but are very important to me.

 My iPod and iPod dock is one of the things that supports from day to day. My alarm clock goes off in the morning. I pray and then I have my morning inspiration. I listen to a total of three songs. Two praise songs which are fast and one worship song which is slow. I absolutely need this in the morning because it sets my mood for the day. It wakes me up and get me fired up for all the activities that I need to complete. My cell phone and laptop are two other things that supports me. I use my phone to check to voice mails or any missed calls. my phone keeps me connected to people especially parents of the children I care for. My laptop is used for school of course, keeping track of social media, and emails. In my travels I always carry my laptop with me.
My super Nintendo is my best friend at 4pm Monday-Friday. After the last child leave I use my game to unwind and relax. I normally play my game for a good 30 minutes before attending to the rest of my evening. Oh yes and how I can I forget my ice cold mountain dew that is a must have. I keep these sodas stock. While it does have a lot of sugar I still drink it cause it taste good and it makes that moment right while playing my game.

CHILDREN support me in many ways. From the children I care for to my nieces and nephews they all support me in more ways than one. The children I care for support financially. The are the source to income that allows me to pay my bills and keep a roof over my head. They also keep me going during the day with silly faces and just being active. When I first start providing care for them I use to wish they were older because all they did was sleep all day and I was bored. My nieces and nephews support me by allowing me to be active in their lives. They are my motivation to want to do more for children. I get to learn from them and they don't even know.

I have many friends, family, church members, mentor, dance members and classmates that support me all time. My siblings support me by making sure my assignments for school are on time and they give me quiet time to get the assignments done. My friends support me by encouraging me that I will open my day care center. They also get me out the house so I won't drown myself in school work. Taking online classes was something I feared. I thought I wouldn't be able to keep up, not understand course material since I changed majors, or have a hard time managing my schedule. My classmates supports me through responding to my post and blog. When they complete assignments they support me because it gives me hope that I can do the assignment also. I really am appreciative of the classmates who do there assignments early because it pushes me not to be a procrastinator.
Lynette KingdomCitizen Taylor
 My biggest supporter is my fiance. I can call on him at any time of the day and he is always there listening, holding my hand, giving me a hug, and letting me know there is nothing too hard for God. He is my EVERYTHING on this side of heaven.

The challenge that I chose to imagine is life without state funding. Currently, many day care centers get funding thru the state from a program called CCIS: Child Care Information Services. I couldn't imagine parents getting no financial help for child care. Just recently, the Philadelphia School District Superintendent made a broadcast that if the state didn't provide funding public schools wouldn't open in September. For me this is sad and it had me thinking of how many children lives this would effect. Not having funding for child care would put me out of business because parents need help with child care. With the increase in unemployment it would be impossible for parents to pay out of pocket for child care. No funding would result in me not having any financial means of supporting myself and my household. I would have to rely on my fiance for help but that would be a burden since we live in two separate households. The joy in my life will slowly decrease because I wouldn't see those small smiley faces on the children. My future surrounds the life of children. Their existence alone keeps me hopeful and motivated. They are a major supporter of why I changed my major to Early Childhood, why I'm starting my own business, and why I'm so passionate about change. CHILDREN ABSOLUTELY ROCK AND I NEED THEM!!!!!