Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Note of Thanks and Support

To all my colleagues,
I couldn't have ask for a better group of colleagues than you. I have leaned so much from each of you and I truly hope that it doesn't end here. I would love for everyone to keep checking out my blog and keep your blog going also. I feel that thru the blog we can continue to learn from one another and stay connected. Your encouragement throughout this course has motivated me to not just get my Master's Degree but also my Doctorate Degree! I'm still fired up to change children lives and I know you are too. Thank you all for your thoughts and kind words and I look forward to talking to you all soon........

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Examining Codes of Ethics

The NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children) and DEC (Division for Early Childhood) both have codes of ethics that every Early Childhood Professional should be aware of. These codes of ethics is to help ensure that as professionals we know to conduct ourselves in and out of the workplace. List below are a few of ideals that I chose and why they are significant to my profession.

NAEYC- Ethical Responsibilities to Children

I 1.2 ~ To base program practices upon current knowledge and research in the field of early childhood education, child development, and related disciplines, as well as on particular knowledge of each child.

I believe that as professionals we have to be updates on all information that we teach. The way things worked 10 years ago may not be what is best today. Each child is different and we as professionals should be able to adapt to their needs. Having knowledge of current programs and data will not only help us but help children as well. We have to keep in mind that what we teach should always be what is best for the child.  Currently, I use programs that the government provide to help the children I care for. Also, I keep track of what becomes available or is updated. I want to make sure that the tools I'm using for learning is current.

NAEYC- Ethical Responsibilities to the Family 
I 2.3 ~To welcome all family members and encourage them to participate in the program.

It is very essential for parents to be involved in their child development. My desire is to build strong relationship with parents so that the process of educating there child will be peaceful and enjoyable. Not keeping parents involved makes the job harder and not connected with the program. From the first day of any program to the last day parents should on board and involved! On the first that a child is enrolled in my care I have a sit down with the parents and have a meet and greet. I use this time to tell the parents what type of environment the children will be in as well as what programs i use. I ask what the parents expectations are from me and how I can make the experience with their successful.

DEC- Professional Collaboration  
2. ~We shall honor and respect the rights, knowledge, and skills of the multidisciplinary colleagues with whom we work recognizing their unique contributions to children, families, and the field of early childhood special education. 

Sharing is caring. As professionals we have to keep in mind that not all minds thinks a like. Respecting each other ideas can keep the workplace professional and smooth. Also, learning from each other is always a plus. My goal is to learn something new everyday. I'm determine to rise above the mentality of "every man for themselves". Teamwork makes the dream work and this can be done if we use the above code. Every other weekend I meet with my two siblings to discuss things that happen throughout their week at the day care centers. I use this time to learn from them and they ask me what new programs I discovered. I think us sharing ideas helps make our job easier.

DEC- Professional Development and Preparation
3. ~We shall be responsible for maintaining the appropriate national, state, or other credential or licensure requirements for the services we provide while maintaining our competence in practice and research by ongoing participation in professional development and education activities. 

Knowledge is Power! I believe every professional should have all their creditials, licenses, and degree before beginning to teach any child. Children are depending on us (professionals) to give them the best education. There should always be room improvement and we (professionals) should always be looking for programs or activities to better the lives of children. It is my ultimate goal to always be educated and have all necessary paper work for working with children. Currently, working on CDA license, MA Degree, CPR, and First Aid certifications. It is important that I stay update on everything so that I'm always prepared to teach.

These Ideals and codes of ethics are available if you would like to read more. I hope that this information has help you. Below are the following links:

Saturday, April 6, 2013


My resources are located at the bottom of my page. I really enjoyed this week assignment because I was able to learn about what is available for children and their families. Working in the child care field there are so many resources available to help me better the lives of children. I hope that more of my fellow classmates were able to use some these resources.