Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Note of Thanks and Support

To all my colleagues,
I couldn't have ask for a better group of colleagues than you. I have leaned so much from each of you and I truly hope that it doesn't end here. I would love for everyone to keep checking out my blog and keep your blog going also. I feel that thru the blog we can continue to learn from one another and stay connected. Your encouragement throughout this course has motivated me to not just get my Master's Degree but also my Doctorate Degree! I'm still fired up to change children lives and I know you are too. Thank you all for your thoughts and kind words and I look forward to talking to you all soon........


  1. I have enjoyed this course, initially I didn’t feel like I was learning enough because I didn’t have a huge textbook in front of me and I didn’t understand the significance of the blog. As we progressed in the course I began to love the blogs. This should be a requirement in every course. Posting and reading your blogs has caused me to learn from you in a way that I could not do in the course room. The collaboration between all colleagues has been fantastic. Learning different techniques, tools and resources to enhance my knowledge in the early childhood field is irreplaceable. It has been a pleasure learning and growing with you.

  2. Lynette,
    Thank you for the support and information that your have shared through out this course. It has been great getting to know you and I hope that I we will have more classes with you in the future.
