Saturday, January 25, 2014

Perspectives on Diversity and Culture (Week 3)

Diversity from family and friends.....
  • Diversity is the different beliefs, habits, appearances, behaviors, and opinions, and ways of thought of people and how they differ from the person standing next to them.  (African American Female, Christian)
  • Diversity - being different standing out from everyone else being separate from the norm. African America Male, Muslim)
  • Diversity is people of different ethnic, racial, religious, cultural, age, gender and sexual preference, and class backgrounds  (Caucasian male, Christian)
Culture from family and friends.....
  •  Culture is what is in the history of your people and family. The experiences, struggles, and successes of those that came before you. It is what defines you as a people. (African American Female, Christian)
  •  Culture is how you were raised, your belief. (African American Male, Muslim)
  •   Culture - the way people do different things the meaning of there life (Caucasian Male, Christian)

In looking over all the answers that the three individuals gave I see that they have similarities in their definitions of culture and diversity. When I first began this course I had a very narrow definition of culture and diversity. After reviewing videos and reading over course material I have realized that culture and diversity is much broader. Its broader in the sense of culture includes more than just religion and race. Culture includes race, ethnicity, economic status, language, struggles, how you were raised, and difference in things that people do. This definition is an collaboration of the responses above as well from the readings and video segments. Diversity is what separates us from others, religious preferences, habits, behaviors, and class backgrounds. In both definitions I view culture and diversity as characteristics that makes each person their own individual. 

Culture and Diversity is very important and each person should learn about the next person culture and what makes them a diverse person. This topic has allowed to me to step outside of my comfort zone, mingle with different people, and get to know individuals who I don't know. I know African American Christians because this group of people is who I was raised around. This topic is teaching me that there are so many cultures in the nation that I need to know about especially if I want to continue to work with children. Understanding a person culture will help in building effective relationships. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

My Family Culture (Week 1)


~A major catastrophe has almost completely devastated the infrastructure of your country. The emergency government has decided that the surviving citizens will be best served if they are evacuated to other countries willing to take refugees. You and your immediate family are among the survivors of this catastrophic event. However, you have absolutely no input into the final destination or in any other evacuation details. You are told that your host country’s culture is completely different from your own, and that you might have to stay there permanently. You are further told that, in addition to one change of clothes, you can only take 3 small items with you. You decide to take three items that you hold dear and that represent your family culture.

The first thing I would take is my ipod. This device is light and portable. It holds pictures, videos, and music. Inspirational and gospel music is apart of my culture. I use gospel music to express trial tribulations that I have experience through dance. I have been on my church dance ministry for over 14 years and I couldn't imagine life without music that inspire, motivate, and builds up my character. I would save as many pictures and videos that I can of my family so I can look back on the memories. Although I have memories in my mind it would still be good to have visual pictures to show other people of how my culture interact, dress, eat, and live.

The second thing I would bring family recipe book. This item is very important because it has the foods that my family eat. I'm sure everyone can make bake mac and cheese but its something about when momma makes it that gives it that amazing taste. I feel that this would be important to bring so the other cultures in the country can experience my culture food and this allow my family to eat our culture food. Pot roast, collar greens, mac and cheese, and yams is some soul food I must have at least twice a month. 

The third thing I would bring is my bible. Although I have deep knowledge of this book and its probably accessible every where I feel that I couldn't travel to another country without it. The Holy Bible has been apart of my culture since I could remember. Even as a child going to church they had children's bible that consisted of short stories from the original bible. My culture strive to live a life that is pleasing to God and the bible is guide to help be better Christians. Since my family is going to another country I think it would be important to bring the bible so we could all study together. 

So now I get to this country and they tell me I have to choose only one of my items. Picking three was already hard. Ok ok ok.... So I think I would choose the ipod. Since I can't take the family recipe book or the bible I would take photos of as many recipes as I can. My mother would be with me and I'm sure we could create as many recipes as she can remember. Since this is a new generation Ipod I would hope I'm able to get internet connection and therefore I can download the bible. Its nothing like a hard back but electronic version is just as good.

This exercise was hard and challenging because I really had to think of things that resembled my culture. I knew right away that the bible and gospel music was a major part but I had to think of ways to get it to the next country. In addition I realized just how much i love eating....HA!!! I had to say something about food. I truly love eating soul food but I also enjoy eating Caribbean food. This exercise made me appreciate the things I have and not to take nothing for granted because this situation could very well happen. Also, I asked my family members what items they would brings and their responses were hilarious. However, this assignment showed me how each person viewed our culture and we had the opportunity of creating another family memory.