Saturday, January 25, 2014

Perspectives on Diversity and Culture (Week 3)

Diversity from family and friends.....
  • Diversity is the different beliefs, habits, appearances, behaviors, and opinions, and ways of thought of people and how they differ from the person standing next to them.  (African American Female, Christian)
  • Diversity - being different standing out from everyone else being separate from the norm. African America Male, Muslim)
  • Diversity is people of different ethnic, racial, religious, cultural, age, gender and sexual preference, and class backgrounds  (Caucasian male, Christian)
Culture from family and friends.....
  •  Culture is what is in the history of your people and family. The experiences, struggles, and successes of those that came before you. It is what defines you as a people. (African American Female, Christian)
  •  Culture is how you were raised, your belief. (African American Male, Muslim)
  •   Culture - the way people do different things the meaning of there life (Caucasian Male, Christian)

In looking over all the answers that the three individuals gave I see that they have similarities in their definitions of culture and diversity. When I first began this course I had a very narrow definition of culture and diversity. After reviewing videos and reading over course material I have realized that culture and diversity is much broader. Its broader in the sense of culture includes more than just religion and race. Culture includes race, ethnicity, economic status, language, struggles, how you were raised, and difference in things that people do. This definition is an collaboration of the responses above as well from the readings and video segments. Diversity is what separates us from others, religious preferences, habits, behaviors, and class backgrounds. In both definitions I view culture and diversity as characteristics that makes each person their own individual. 

Culture and Diversity is very important and each person should learn about the next person culture and what makes them a diverse person. This topic has allowed to me to step outside of my comfort zone, mingle with different people, and get to know individuals who I don't know. I know African American Christians because this group of people is who I was raised around. This topic is teaching me that there are so many cultures in the nation that I need to know about especially if I want to continue to work with children. Understanding a person culture will help in building effective relationships. 


  1. Lynette- Throughout our classes together, I have always found you to be open, accepting of others, and honest. You say this has helped you to step outside your comfort zone, but I think you already do, and just don't know it. You are always one of the first people to complement someone, or make an encouraging remark on a discussion post or a blog. You already excel at building effective relationships!

    1. Thank You.... That really means a lot. I say step outside of my comfort zone because in the last semester when I had to find an international contact I felt bad that I didn't know anyone outside of my culture in the education field. That class really encouraged me to make new connections. Since that class I have joined different education organizations. Some I found through Linked In and others just from browsing blogs. It is important for me to know more cultures, to understand all different kinds of people, and to be knowledgeable of each person culture. I absolutely discussion questions. I feel like its a time during the week that I get to know more and more about how my colleagues think and work with children. Thanks for taking time to read my blog...
