Saturday, June 1, 2013

Stressor (POVERTY)

In my previous class I talked about growing up in poverty. First and foremost let me say that I love my parents and I wouldn't be who I am today if it wasn't for their unconditional love. Growing up wasn't easy. I have 10 siblings and we all lived in the three bedroom apartment in a low housing complex. We called it the projects. I was raised on WIC cereal which consisted of King Vitamin, Life, and Kix. Growing up I felt like I was extra poor. I didn't get the latest fashion of clothing, no name brand sneakers, and boy the hair styles I had was unbelievable. I choose to talk about poverty because i have experience this as child. I had many days when I was angry, upset, embarrassed, and confused. Both my parents worked everyday. My father was in the Navy and my mother worked for the school board of Philadelphia. How could both my parents be working and yet I still had to wear clothing handed down from my older sister, peanut butter and jelly sandwich's was a meal not a snack, and living in the projects was the "norm".

Going to school was hard because I teased on a lot for how I dressed, how dark I was, and how I always at the school lunch. Was that a stressful time in my childhood yes but I overcame it. As I got older I started to understand that my parents were doing the best that they could. I may not had the best meals but I ate My parents allowed my siblings and I to attend after school programs and while there they provided snacks. Although, I had to wear clothing handed down from my sister I still made sure I took good care of the clothing so that the person after me would have it in good condition Living in poverty taught me a lot. As I was going through school I always had big dreams and was determined that I was going to be somebody important one day. Living in poverty boosted my confidence level up. Where I lived and how I lived wasn't going to be the factor of who I would become one day! The major reason why I switched my whole career choice is so that I can give back to my community. I'm the only person in my family to attend college. Currently, I hold two degrees and determined to get two more. Poverty still exist but I speak better for myself as well as my family everyday. Can I change the poverty rate in my community probably not but can help motivate others to push and not give up YES! Below is a link of my city poverty rate.
Philadelphia Pennsylvania Poverty Rate
This not my country that I choose to talk about but I wanted to give readers an insight of my community. Currently, between the ages of newborns to age 5 36 percent are living below half the poverty level. I truly feel that this is sad and for America to be a wealthy country they have so many children living in poverty. According to Howard Friedman U.S is ranked number 4 with the highest poverty level. Number 4! WOW! Here is the link Top 5 Countries with Highest Poverty Rating

Africa is the country that I decided to learn about because my dance ministry will soon be visiting and I wanted to see how the country is coping with poverty. Poverty in Africa is also considered to be hunger and starvation. Some diseases that highly widespread are AIDS, malaria, and cholera. Africa is believed to be in these poor conditions due to lack of land management. The water is bad there and due to corrupted government is it hard for countries to sell or import goods. Africa does not have ways for getting medicine to those with diseases and because of this the diseases spread more. Some countries in Africa are not doing as bad as others because the seek help from corrupted wealthy western countries. Africa has been trying to do better. in 2008 they created a African Union called African Peer Review Mechanism. This is a self voluntary forum that monitors politics, government officials and the values of the country. Out of fifty three states, twenty nine signed up for the Union. Besides the union nothing else is being done about diseases, education, poverty, or hunger. China has tried to stepped in to help but its only so much they can do. If Africa wants to improve there rates have to come together and help each other. Fixing the water supply can help with crops in the land and government officials can create lesser strict laws to make sure the import and exports of good benefits the country. You can look at more details of Africa at Poverty In Africa

1 comment:

  1. thank you for sharing your information on Africa. I agree that if people are not happy with the way their life is, they need to do something to change it. If the people are hungry they need to figure out how to get food. Some of that is knowledge and education. Many people do not have access to news, the internet, or social service programs, and they have no idea how to start. It is up to more developed countries to help developing countries institute programs for the poor and hungry so eventually all countries are able to help their own citizens.
