Saturday, June 29, 2013

Children Quotes and Professional Thanks

There are many children quotes that I absolutely love. I feel that each quote gives me a different insight about children. I just picked out a few quotes that I would like to share.

“Children are made readers on the laps of their parents.”
~ Emilie Buchwald

"Don't handicap your children by making their lives easy".
~Robert A. Heinlein

"Children make your life important".
~Erma Bombeck

"Children make you want to start life over". 
~Muhammad Ali

"Children need the freedom and time to play.  Play is not a luxury.  Play is a necessity". 
 ~Kay Redfield Jamison

As this semester comes to an end I truly want to say thank you to everyone for taking time to read my thoughts and feelings. I know at times some of my work is long winded but I appreciate that many of you found time to read it and give your thoughts. A special thank you to Jamie who always gave honest feedback during discussions. I always looked forward to reading your post and your comments. Michelle, this is my second course with you and you always motivate me to keep pushing and never give up. Thank you for being "REAL". It's not many people with that characteristic these days. Lastly, thank you ShaRina. You made blogging fun and creative. At times I would always look on your blog to see how you wrote out the assignment. I appreciate your words of wisdom and all your comments on my blog. I look forward to sharing many thoughts and ideas with you. 


  1. Lynette-
    Your quotes are so awesome! I really loved the one from Kay Redfield Johnson. Play is the most important aspect of life for children, IMO. Thanks for the nice words. I think you are awesome too, and I hope we continue on this journey together!

  2. Lynette,

    That quote from Mr. Heinlein really does make you think. As parents, many of us often try to give our children the lives that we never had, but we often are just making things too easy on them. Now that my children are coming to the age where they'll graduate high school, it really makes me consider if I made things too easy on them, and if they'll be prepared for a life outside of my home.
