Friday, July 12, 2013

Relationship Reflection

~“Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same.”

Relationships are important to me because they help with my growth and provide support when I need it. Each relationship that I engaged in bring different things. Some relationships bring comfort, safety, joy, laughter, discipline, creativity, respect, honor, and most of all love. All of these characteristics are important in many of my relationships. Relationships are also important because they keep me grounded and very often motivated. Without certain relationship in my life I'm not sure where I would be currently.

This is my best friend Lekeia Sears and our friendship means the world to me. We have been friends for 14 years and counting and she has been a blessing in my life since 9th grade. There is nothing that I can't share with her. While we have had great times together there has also been rough times. In those rough times I feel it just made our friendship stronger. She is a major person I lean on for support when dealing with struggles especially school. I admire her strength and determination to provide a loving atmosphere for her daughter who is also my god daughter. I made it thru two degree's working on my third because she has always been in my corner telling me "Reach for the Stars". What make this relationship/friendship so amazing is because her love for me goes beyond the scope of a friendship. I love her to pieces and our bond is inseparable.

This is my awesome dance ministry "Overflow". I had the great pleasure of knowing these ladies for about 8 years. This dance ministry has played such a huge role in life. These ladies are silly, creative, loving, but most of all supporting. We are not just a dance ministry in church but we are a family. We share opinions and have disagreements but we respect each other thoughts. Something that I love about these ladies is that we are in tune with each. When ministering in dance we can pull from each other strength and its this that keeps us going. We each have different personalities that makes our relationship with one another awesome. This ministry has taught me discipline, self value, and how to be free. My self concept has changed because of these ladies. I can look in the mirror and say I'm beautiful and that I am a phenomenal woman. Currently, we still teach other things and I can't imagine life without them.

This is my soon to be husband Joseph who is my best friend, peace in conflict and frustration, motivator, supporter, and prayer warrior. While we are in a relationship I consider us partners for life. I call us "Team Brown". He is my high school sweet heart and he keeps me on my toes. I say we are "Team Brown" not just because on 4/12/14 that will become my last name but more so because currently we make decisions as a team.Our goals and dreams have been laid out and we made a decision to support another. Our love for one another is genuine and we value and respect each other. As in any partnership there will come bumps in the road. However, we have over came these bumps by simply have effective communication which includes "Listening". I love him more and more each day because he teaches me how to be patient and humble. Looking forward to becoming Mrs. Joseph Maurice Brown.

Each relationship has an positive impact on my life but its also because of challenges that they remain positive. When I first joined my dance ministry I didn't take it seriously. I came to rehearsals late and showed up to church when it was convenient for me. At some point my dance leader had to sit me down and tell me in so many words that I need to either be a team player or leave the ministry. That one encounter really changed my life. I still have the email she sent about being a team player and what happens to the team when everyone doesn't pull their weight. I learned how to not be selfish and think of others feelings. I didn't realize at that time how my absence from the ministry made the ministry look. Currently, anyone will say i go beyond the call of being a team player and I also encourage others to be effective team members. My dance leader still calls me her "Ride or Die" team member and that means a lot to me. It shows me how far I grown and how serious my commitment is to the team.

Working in early childhood I can use my team player experience to help children work together. Currently, I have a 1 and 2 year old and i teach them how to clean up together. They actually use clean up time as a fun time experience. They laugh, play, and eventually all the toys get pick up off the floor. It feels great to be able to help children using things that I have learned from past experiences.



  1. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about each of your relationships. I'm sure your dance leader struggled with how to approach you in the beginning and is now thankful that she did. She saw your character maybe when you hadn't yet. Congratulations on your upcoming marriage. It sounds like you're off to a great start!

  2. Thank you for sharing. It's great that you have learned to become a team player. Being a team player is important to being a successful early childhood professional because there are some many people that you have to work with.
