Saturday, October 12, 2013

Sharing Web Resources: Week 6

Save the Children is the resource that I have been sharing information on. Save the Children has a link for blogs and within this link I discovered that the CEO has her own Blog titled Logging Miles. The CEO of Save the Children name is Carolyn Miles. She blogs about all her experiences around the world, how Save the Children is making a difference, and photos of children learning in different parts of the world. Her latest blog was titled "Put the Frontline Health Worker Into the Post-2015 Framework". Her blog spoke about how she visited a maternal and health clinic in Haripur, Pakistan. She stated,  It is one of the most impressive facilities I have seen anywhere in the world at the primary care, or village, level. She gave statistics about how children are saved in small villages due to skilled and trained health workers. In addition, she has partnered with Frontline Health Workers Coalition to honor and acknowledge health workers around the world who go above and beyond everyday to save lives of children and their families. As I was reading her blog it was interesting to see that she is not a CEO who sits behind a desk and gives orders. She is a CEO who is always in the field. She visits all her Save the Children sites around the world and that is amazing.

In the e-newsletter that was published September 2013 Save the Children drew awareness about children who are not being educated due to conflicts within their country. In some countries more than 28 million children are out of school because of conflict zones with the government. Save the Children partnered with Global Partnership for Education in hope to create a push to plan, prioritize, and protect all children. These two organizations are sending their concerns to Education Cannot Wait event coordinator. There plan is as follow:

More Planning for emergency prevention and integration of emergency prepardeness and reovery in education sector plans and national budget.
Prioritizing education in emergencies by increasing humanitarian aid education and improving the way it is delivered on the ground
Protection of children, teachers, and education facilities from attacks.

Save the Children believe "Education should not be interrupted as children who miss out on school are unable to catch up and experience cumulative disadvantage throughout their lives".

I learned from this newsletter that not everybody care about the education of children. Countries bombing schools and forcing children six thru fifth-teen to join armies is ridiculous. As I read about how other children are lacking, it makes me feel like many families in America take advantage of the freedom that they have. When the government don't get alone no one is bombing schools and shooting up classroom boards. Its families right here is the U.S. who don't even take time to send their children to school, read to them, or participate in their education. Quality of education doesn't just come from the school it starts at home and the sooner many people realize that the greater chance of children really excelling. If you would like to read more about Save the Children please click on the following link Save the Children

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lynette,

    I think that it is great that Save the Children has partnered with Global Partnership for Education in hopes to create a push plan to prioritize and protect all children. Save the Children in collaboration with Global Partnership for Education are doing a great service to the developing countries and I applaud all of their efforts. Great Post Lynette!!!!
