Saturday, November 30, 2013

Research Around The World

I choose to read about articles from the Early Childhood Development Virtual University. They had several research topics such as:

  • Improving the quality of childcare through parenting enrichment and Training on Trainer: The Eritrean Model
  • Involving Fathers in Early Childhood Care and Development
  • Assessment of Interaction and Stimulation in Single-Mother Low-Income Families
  • Leadership Skills Training for Administration and Parent Support Training for Caregivers.
I took a closer look at the "Involving Fathers in Early Childhood Care and Development" because I feel like all children need both parents present especially boys. While mothers tend to take on both roles there will come a time in the child like where they will seek the love and affection that only a father can give. Boys need there father present to show them how to become a man and be a provider for the family.

In this study the focus was on fathers, their involvement in the child upbringing, and if cultural beliefs had any influence as to how involved the father was to the child. The study was done in different villages in Nigeria. As I read the article, I realized that there are many factors as to how involved the father is with the upbringing of their child. Men are considered the bread makers of the family in most cultures in Africa while the wife stays home and tends to all the needs of the house. Lack of parenting programs is another factor because many men are following the tradition of how they were raised. Not saying that the tradition is right or wrong but first time parents need help especially if the grandparents are not present. In addition, I learned that grandparents involvement have a significant difference on how involved fathers are with their children.

I learned just from this one article to be grateful for all the people who helped in the upbringing of my childhood. In some homes in Africa the children are living with numerous of people due to father being a polygamist. Since the father has so many children and wives it is rather hard for him to be dedicated or involved in all the children upbringing. I learned that girls in small villages are deprived from going to school because they have to learn at a early age how to submit themselves to others, care for younger siblings, and do house chores.

The website Early Childhood Development Virtual University offers 6 one-year programs to help people who want to get more educated on International Child and Youth Care for Development. The programs are offered to individuals who have or don't a degree that is recognized by the University. All the programs seem very information just from reading what the course offers. I think its great that this websites is helping to better the lives of the children.     


  1. Lynette, Thank you for sharing the research about fathers in children's upbringing. I looked into that website, as well. I did not see that one. I will have to go back and look for that one!

    1. When you visit the link look for research topics in Nigeria that is where I found the topic. It was very interesting. Although the assignment said look at the website I just had to share that this one. Really feel that both parents should be present and FATHERS are important
