Saturday, March 30, 2013

Words of Inspiration and Motivation

“All of us have to recognize that we owe our children more than we have been giving them.” –Hillary Clinton

“Probably my worst quality is that I get very passionate about what I think is right.” –Hillary Clinton

“To me it's a failure every time we keep a child in foster care for that child's entire life. You know, there should be a decision made to either re-unite a child by helping a family get back on its feet and take care of its children or we should remove the child and try to find a good loving home with the foster care system but much more importantly, trying to find a permanent home, ” –Hillary Clinton

"We know that teachers are the key to good child care - and as long as teachers are undervalued, American children, too, will keep getting less than they deserve" –Marcy Whitebook

The high turnover rate among poorly paid child-care workers...creates an unstable environment precisely when stability is most needed in a child's life. "Turnover among childcare workers is second only to parking-lot and gas-station attendants," –Marcy Whitebook
"There is more to life than just what is in your neighborhood" -Raymond Hernandez

"I'm not here to save the world, I'm here to just make a difference in the community that I am working" -Raymond Hernandez

"It's not all about you. You got to take your ego out of it and think about whats best for the child" -Renatta M. Cooper

"Parents need support and with resources and access with resources" -Leticia Lara   

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Personal Childhood Web

My Father
This awesome man right here is my father. Growing up he was my inspiration. He was very stern about my education. Most kids got to go outside and play. In my father house we read books, played chess, and just enjoyed each other company. I use to think who teaches there kids how to play chess at such an early age. I honestly couldn't stand that game. I t wasn't until I got older that I understood why my father played that game with me. He told me that playing chess stimulated my mind and made me think slowly instead of quickly. My father is the reason I made it to college. He always sat with me to do homework, read books, and he never missed a parent teacher conference. Although he is no longer with me whenever I enroll in school or graduate from school I thank him for his guidance. I miss you dad and your sunshine is still furthering her education!
My Big/Little Sister
 My sister is my best friend. We are actually 16 months apart. I always say she is my big/little sister because she is the oldest but I'm taller than her. As a child we did everything together. My favorite childhood memory of us have to been when we played school together. Although she was the oldest she would always allow me to be teacher because she told me "Lynette your smart". That always made me feel special because I was the little sister teaching the big sister. I love my sister very much and I am thankful that she kept me close to her. She walked me to school and she always protected me. Nobody couldn't mess with her little sister. Now my parents have 11 children however, everyone always said that my sister and I were like twins. Currently, she still pushes me even when I want to give up and I'm still reminded constantly that "Lynette your smart"

My Grandmother
 I love and miss my grandmother dearly. She was the heart of the family. My grandmother always made me feel important. Every holiday she made sure the family came together for dinner.She taught me the importance of being strong and always follow my heart. Sundays was always spent with grandmom. I knew that every Sunday consisted of going to church, dinner, and fun time. She showed me what UNITY really meant and how it was essential for the family to always stay connected. Before leaving my grandmother home she would always give me a hug and kiss and say I love you. I would give anything for one of those warm hugs.
My Mother

My mother is truly a blessing. Most of my childhood I lived with my mother. On the weekends and during the summer is when I stayed with my father. Living with my mother taught me many things. I learned how cook, clean, and be responsible. I loved how she me taught how to cook and then allowed me to have one day out of the week to cook dinner for the family. Now of course in the beginning the food probably was nasty but with much practice my mother taught me how to make it better to everyone liking. She always made my siblings and I eat dinner together at the family table. During this time is when everyone could talk about there day and what exciting news they had. My mother is my number one supporter. No matter what I wanted to do she was always right there. I remember when I wanted to play football in school how she never told me no. I knew it was a sport for boys and that it was a rough sport. However, my mother still supported me. She came and watched me get knocked down at trial outs. I love her for that because she knew it was a crazy idea but she stood by side with the first aide kit.

I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for these people playing a key role in my life. Although my father and grandmother are no longer with me I carry them in my heart. I always remember what they taught me and any chance I get I try to teach what they taught me to my nieces and nephews. My sister believes in me which pushes me to further my education. When I made my decision to switch careers my mother already knew and she said "You can do it". I'm very thankful for my support system because they are the ones who keep me on track.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Lion King (I totally Love this book)

This is indeed my favorite children's book. I watch the movie all the time and I even still cry when Mufasa die. I love this book because of the colorful graphics, story line, and the characters. Whenever I read this story it always remind of why it is important to be obedient to parents, never forget who are, and being responsible. Although this a children book I believe it is important for them to always know that you have to listen to your parents even when you don't feel like it. To this day I listen to my parents and there are times when I don't listen. Parents always have a reason why they give out instructions and there will be times when children won't understand the instructions. I love the fact that although Mufasa dies he leaves behind family and friends who helps Simba remember who he is. Friendship in this story was amazing to me because Simba wasn't just friends with his own kind. I love learning about different people and this book did a great job of showing how you can adapt to different things outside your norm. I recommend this book to anyone!!!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Inspiring Quote!

"A child educated only at school is an uneducated child" - George Santayana

 When I read this quote it really gave me clarity on why I push so hard to make sure that children are educated. I live in an era where some parents don't take time to read to there children, parents are not involved in the child learning development, and parents leave all the learning up to school officials. Working at a summer program in my local community really opened my eyes to how children are not getting the best education they deserve. I worked with 2nd and 3rd graders and I sat many days looking at how angry, aggravated, and sad some children were. There emotions came from not knowing how to read and write. One student stated that there parents worked two jobs and does there homework for them.

I believe education starts at home. It is in the beginning years that children learn there ABC's, 123's and colors. It is sad that some children don't know the basics until they get to kindergarten. This is why reading the above quote touched me because children should be able to learn every where. At home, school, and in there local communities. It shouldn't be just up to children care providers and school systems to make sure that children are educated. My mother use to always say it takes a village to raise a family. I say it takes a village to educate a child! If everyone does there part the next generation should be twice as smart as the previous generation.


Growing up I was always the one family and friends called on to babysit. In the beginning it was my way of making money as a young teenager. However, after a couple years I really loved babysitting. It was amazing how well I connected with them and how well they grew attached to me. Many weekends my days were filled with laughter, crying, rocking, and changing diapers. I learned how to multitask even while babysitting. I can remember a time when watching my god daughter, she would not let me put her down. I had to place her in a carrier on my back while doing my house chores. At first, I thought man this is ridiculous but I had a weakness for her and I couldn't handle her crying out for me.

Early Childhood Education was not my first career choice. I always said I wanted to be a lawyer. I wrote down my ten year plan as to how I was going to get my law degree. Everyone expected me to be the family lawyer. The majority of the shows I currently watch has something to do with the law. However, In 2009 I had a experience of a lifetime. I was privileged to be able to work with 2nd and 3rd graders at a local high school. I was a junior in undergrad and initially working with these children was just fulfilling an internship requirement.

The first day working with children I went home crying. I thought to myself...How come they are so angry? Why don't they want to read out loud? Why do the parents not take interest in there child learning development? These were all questions that haunted my mind in only working at the school for one day. Working with these children changed my mind set. I walked away from the internship with the made up mind that I will make a difference in the lives of children. Currently, I'm getting my M.S in Early Childhood Education and I'm providing childcare from my home in hope to one day owning a childcare center.