Sunday, March 30, 2014

Who Am I As A Communicator (Week 4)

This assignment really was an eye opener for me in regards to my strength on communicating. As a young child and now in my adult hood life I have always been deemed as an outspoken communicator. However, I learned from speaking with my fiance and my Pastor that my communication skills depends on who I am speaking with. Recently, I attended a Educators conference and one of the sessions was based on effective communication. There were four categories that described who a person was as a communicator. Passive, Aggressive, passive-aggressive, and assertive. I just knew I was assertive. I felt that I had a good line of communication with people. However, I found myself in the passive-aggressive area. Passive-aggressive communicator displays behavior that is indirect expression of hostility, such as through procrastination, sarcasm, hostile jokes, stubbornness, resentment, sullenness, or deliberate or repeated failure to accomplish requested task for which one is responsible. This type of behavior effects a person communication skills when they try to work with others and be a team player.

When taking the assessments I realized that I value other people opinions and care about their feelings. I'm a good listener but because I trust people a lot it can cloud my judgement. I passive-aggressive comes out when I allow things people to say build up because I don't want to hurt their feelings. Once the build up happens that is when sarcasm, hostile jokes, and stubbornness takes place. In addition, I learned that I use a lot body language when talking and while this can be a good thing it can also be a negative thing.

As a Pre-K Assistant teacher I need to be mindful of my body language. Children can interpret my body language in the wrong way which can cause problems when trying to teach. In the early childhood field there is no "I" in team. passive-aggressive behavior will not be effective when trying to work together others in bettering the lives of children. This communication component this week has really helped in how to not allow what other say effect who I am. Trusting people is good but I need to careful as to not put my trust in everyone. Not everyone has my best interest at heart. Being outspoken doesn't mean I'm a good communicator. I have learned that this outspoken side of me doesn't happen with those that really need to hear my voice. While I thought I was a communicator I see I have things I need to work on.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Communications Strategies and Communicating with Diverse People (Week 3)

Do you find yourself communicating differently with people from different groups and cultures? 
Yes, I do find myself communicating different;y with people from different groups.

If yes, in what ways do you communicate differently?
In my classroom setting I'm more formal and proper. Most of my children in the classroom are Hispanic so they don't speak a lot of English. When communicating with them I use a lot of non-verbal communication like facial expressions, gestures, tone of my voice. I use direct eye contact when speaking with them so I can try and watch how they are pronouncing the words. I find myself pointing a lot when talking to other people who don't speak a lot of English. This can be anywhere like gas station, super market, or doctors office. In my discussion question I spoke on how I use to have issues with immigrants who were working customer service. I felt like they shouldn't because they couldn't speak clear English. After completing this week assignments I realized they (immigrants) might be saying the same thing about me. I talk fast so that can be annoying for people who don't normally listen to me speak.

Based on what you have learned this week, share at least three strategies you could use to help you communicate more effectively with the people or groups you have identified.

Three Strategies that would help in communication more effectively are:
1. Direct Eye Contact. I feel that this would be beneficial because I can pay close attention to how the person is speaking. In some cultures I know direct eye contact is forbidden. If I have a family that direct eye contact is forbidden i would try and communicate through gestures and maybe paper or pen.

2. Remaining Calm and Show Patience. These two strategies work hand in hand. So often when trying to communicate with people of a different culture its very easily to become frustrated and annoyed. Not knowing another person language can be difficult. However, I learned from the Platinum Rule that you should treat others they way you want to be treated. The same patience you want people have with you, you need to display that with others.

3. Tone of Voice. This is very important strategy because people attitudes change from the tone in a person voice. Speaking to a person loud and screaming is no way to effectively communicate. Talking to a person in a moderate tone voice can result in better communication. I like for people to speak to me on a low key tone and I expect for them to return the same courtesy.


Sunday, March 16, 2014

Communication Skills: Verbal and Nonverbal (Week 2)

So I watch a lot of television and was really trying to see what show I don't watch. I decided to just click on Netflix and pick the first show that I haven't seen. Leverage was a little tough to watch because the show started with each person being identified and stealing files from a company. I assumed that they knew each other because of the way they were communicating. I assumed that they were all thieves. In the beginning of the show they were communicating but thru devices. They were not always in front of each other. Due to how well they worked together I thought they were all on the same team. I noticed that in the middle of the show they all met up exchanged envelopes and went their own way. Some moments in the show the main character Nate seemed annoyed, frustrated, and he rubbed his hand on the bottom of chin a lot. All the characters used a lot of hand moments, facial expressions, and body language. There are three guys and two ladies in this show. One of the ladies used an enormous amount of head motions almost as if she had a major attitude with the others. The second lady appeared to be classy and flirty. I assumed that she had relations with the main character by how close she stood, the glare in her eyes, and how she smiles. All these assumptions were made with the television on mute.

WOW! So I watched the television with the volume on and boy were my assumptions off. Nate the main character displayed a certain set of skills that were useful to the other four people of the show. The other four characters in the show were all highly classified thieves. None of the characters in the show knew each other until they were all asked to do a job together. Due to how much money was involved they all agreed to work together once. The lady who I thought had a relationship with Nate never did. She just admired him and like the work that he did. At the end of the show they all realized how well they worked together and decided to stay together and form a real team. The first lady who I thought had an attitude problem was actually friendly. She used a lot of expressions just being sarcastic because it was first time working with the other people. Nate expressions during the show I was close. When he rubbed his hand under his chin he wasn't annoyed or frustrated that was a gestured he used when trying to make a decision.

I think if I chose a show I normally watched my assumptions would have been more on point. I based my assumptions off how they were interacting and what was going on in the show. I watch Suits, Law & Order, and Blue Blood and this show is only different because this group of people are thieves. I pay attention to people when they are talking, I watch gestures, and look at facial expressions. I think it is important to views all these things to have a good understanding of what the person is saying.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Competent Communication


Suze Orman is an financial advisor, motivation speaker, and television host. I had the opportunity of watching one of her broadcast on "The Money Class". During this show Suze Orman was giving financial advice to people on how to invest your money and have financial freedom. I'm going to be honest this was the first time watching a show like this and I was actually watching it while getting my nails done. However, Suze Orman caught my attention by the inspiring words she gave during her question and answer portion, her posture as she was on stage, and her tone when speaking passionately about not living in debt. With all the nose surrounding me I was glued to the television. Her advice was powerful that I have already ordered her book.

I believe that she grasp her audience from her love and dedication of being debt free. As she spoke on how and where to invest money she gave the audience real life situations and she was able to answer everyone questions. Just from the hour that I watch I'm going to ask my facility do they offer pension plans or IRA's. When the camera was going around the room everyone was awake, taking notes, and trying to figure out how they can get the mic to ask questions.

I would love to model her communication styles. I feel that direct eye contact is important and when Suze audience members asked questions she looked directly at them. Her tone really capture me. She was able to fluctuate her tone during her message and I thought that was amazing. I could tell when she got to a point that was serious and when she was having a playful moment. I encourage people to watch her at least one time. I'm sure you wont be disappointed. 

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Professional Hopes and Goals (Week 8)

One hope that I have when working with children and families who come diverse backgrounds is to show them love and support. As an early childhood professional I absolutely love working with children and its love that motivates myself to help families and children. I truly hope that I can continue to display love and support so the children I encounter can feel safe and happy. Children learn best when they are happy, parents are more at ease when they know children are safe, and supporting each other makes teaching children more effective.

One goal that I would like to set for the early childhood field relating to issues of diversity, equity, and social justice is that we all embrace, respect, and understand that are amongst a nation that is diversified. "Diversity is the one thing we all have in common, celebrate it everyday" ~unknown author. No one should be treated differently about their race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, disability, or social economic status. I feel that ignorance and discrimination steps in when people lack understanding of one another. If we all strive to learn more about each other diversity wouldn't be such a bad thing. However, it takes "US" to create change. One thing I learned in this course is that "RACISM is TAUGHT"!!!! People are not born with ignorance they are taught ignorance. So I believe that if people can taught ignorance they also can be taught love, manners, and an understanding of different cultures

I want to take this time to thank all my colleagues for reading my discussion post and blog assignments, for providing ways that I can better myself, and for being real. I want to especially thank Michelle because each week I was eager to read her blog or discussion post. I learned through her that its OK to different even if it means your difference leave you standing alone. As we were doing this assignments her comments and answers were always different and not really having similar experiences like the rest of the class and I absolutely love it. Thank Michelle for being YOU!!! Jessica thank you for your open mind and I truly hope that I can meet you one day and give you great big hug for being successful and overcoming obstacles in your life. You are truly an inspiration. Thank you Professor Davenna Williams for not just teaching the class but providing new ideas of how we can be better educators. Wish everyone much success in their next class. I changed my ECE program and I looked at my next class and didn't see any of your names so farewell until GRADUATION!!!!!