Sunday, March 23, 2014

Communications Strategies and Communicating with Diverse People (Week 3)

Do you find yourself communicating differently with people from different groups and cultures? 
Yes, I do find myself communicating different;y with people from different groups.

If yes, in what ways do you communicate differently?
In my classroom setting I'm more formal and proper. Most of my children in the classroom are Hispanic so they don't speak a lot of English. When communicating with them I use a lot of non-verbal communication like facial expressions, gestures, tone of my voice. I use direct eye contact when speaking with them so I can try and watch how they are pronouncing the words. I find myself pointing a lot when talking to other people who don't speak a lot of English. This can be anywhere like gas station, super market, or doctors office. In my discussion question I spoke on how I use to have issues with immigrants who were working customer service. I felt like they shouldn't because they couldn't speak clear English. After completing this week assignments I realized they (immigrants) might be saying the same thing about me. I talk fast so that can be annoying for people who don't normally listen to me speak.

Based on what you have learned this week, share at least three strategies you could use to help you communicate more effectively with the people or groups you have identified.

Three Strategies that would help in communication more effectively are:
1. Direct Eye Contact. I feel that this would be beneficial because I can pay close attention to how the person is speaking. In some cultures I know direct eye contact is forbidden. If I have a family that direct eye contact is forbidden i would try and communicate through gestures and maybe paper or pen.

2. Remaining Calm and Show Patience. These two strategies work hand in hand. So often when trying to communicate with people of a different culture its very easily to become frustrated and annoyed. Not knowing another person language can be difficult. However, I learned from the Platinum Rule that you should treat others they way you want to be treated. The same patience you want people have with you, you need to display that with others.

3. Tone of Voice. This is very important strategy because people attitudes change from the tone in a person voice. Speaking to a person loud and screaming is no way to effectively communicate. Talking to a person in a moderate tone voice can result in better communication. I like for people to speak to me on a low key tone and I expect for them to return the same courtesy.


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