Saturday, March 1, 2014

Professional Hopes and Goals (Week 8)

One hope that I have when working with children and families who come diverse backgrounds is to show them love and support. As an early childhood professional I absolutely love working with children and its love that motivates myself to help families and children. I truly hope that I can continue to display love and support so the children I encounter can feel safe and happy. Children learn best when they are happy, parents are more at ease when they know children are safe, and supporting each other makes teaching children more effective.

One goal that I would like to set for the early childhood field relating to issues of diversity, equity, and social justice is that we all embrace, respect, and understand that are amongst a nation that is diversified. "Diversity is the one thing we all have in common, celebrate it everyday" ~unknown author. No one should be treated differently about their race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, disability, or social economic status. I feel that ignorance and discrimination steps in when people lack understanding of one another. If we all strive to learn more about each other diversity wouldn't be such a bad thing. However, it takes "US" to create change. One thing I learned in this course is that "RACISM is TAUGHT"!!!! People are not born with ignorance they are taught ignorance. So I believe that if people can taught ignorance they also can be taught love, manners, and an understanding of different cultures

I want to take this time to thank all my colleagues for reading my discussion post and blog assignments, for providing ways that I can better myself, and for being real. I want to especially thank Michelle because each week I was eager to read her blog or discussion post. I learned through her that its OK to different even if it means your difference leave you standing alone. As we were doing this assignments her comments and answers were always different and not really having similar experiences like the rest of the class and I absolutely love it. Thank Michelle for being YOU!!! Jessica thank you for your open mind and I truly hope that I can meet you one day and give you great big hug for being successful and overcoming obstacles in your life. You are truly an inspiration. Thank you Professor Davenna Williams for not just teaching the class but providing new ideas of how we can be better educators. Wish everyone much success in their next class. I changed my ECE program and I looked at my next class and didn't see any of your names so farewell until GRADUATION!!!!!

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