Sunday, March 9, 2014

Competent Communication


Suze Orman is an financial advisor, motivation speaker, and television host. I had the opportunity of watching one of her broadcast on "The Money Class". During this show Suze Orman was giving financial advice to people on how to invest your money and have financial freedom. I'm going to be honest this was the first time watching a show like this and I was actually watching it while getting my nails done. However, Suze Orman caught my attention by the inspiring words she gave during her question and answer portion, her posture as she was on stage, and her tone when speaking passionately about not living in debt. With all the nose surrounding me I was glued to the television. Her advice was powerful that I have already ordered her book.

I believe that she grasp her audience from her love and dedication of being debt free. As she spoke on how and where to invest money she gave the audience real life situations and she was able to answer everyone questions. Just from the hour that I watch I'm going to ask my facility do they offer pension plans or IRA's. When the camera was going around the room everyone was awake, taking notes, and trying to figure out how they can get the mic to ask questions.

I would love to model her communication styles. I feel that direct eye contact is important and when Suze audience members asked questions she looked directly at them. Her tone really capture me. She was able to fluctuate her tone during her message and I thought that was amazing. I could tell when she got to a point that was serious and when she was having a playful moment. I encourage people to watch her at least one time. I'm sure you wont be disappointed. 

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