Sunday, March 30, 2014

Who Am I As A Communicator (Week 4)

This assignment really was an eye opener for me in regards to my strength on communicating. As a young child and now in my adult hood life I have always been deemed as an outspoken communicator. However, I learned from speaking with my fiance and my Pastor that my communication skills depends on who I am speaking with. Recently, I attended a Educators conference and one of the sessions was based on effective communication. There were four categories that described who a person was as a communicator. Passive, Aggressive, passive-aggressive, and assertive. I just knew I was assertive. I felt that I had a good line of communication with people. However, I found myself in the passive-aggressive area. Passive-aggressive communicator displays behavior that is indirect expression of hostility, such as through procrastination, sarcasm, hostile jokes, stubbornness, resentment, sullenness, or deliberate or repeated failure to accomplish requested task for which one is responsible. This type of behavior effects a person communication skills when they try to work with others and be a team player.

When taking the assessments I realized that I value other people opinions and care about their feelings. I'm a good listener but because I trust people a lot it can cloud my judgement. I passive-aggressive comes out when I allow things people to say build up because I don't want to hurt their feelings. Once the build up happens that is when sarcasm, hostile jokes, and stubbornness takes place. In addition, I learned that I use a lot body language when talking and while this can be a good thing it can also be a negative thing.

As a Pre-K Assistant teacher I need to be mindful of my body language. Children can interpret my body language in the wrong way which can cause problems when trying to teach. In the early childhood field there is no "I" in team. passive-aggressive behavior will not be effective when trying to work together others in bettering the lives of children. This communication component this week has really helped in how to not allow what other say effect who I am. Trusting people is good but I need to careful as to not put my trust in everyone. Not everyone has my best interest at heart. Being outspoken doesn't mean I'm a good communicator. I have learned that this outspoken side of me doesn't happen with those that really need to hear my voice. While I thought I was a communicator I see I have things I need to work on.

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